Enable Recite

Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing support for social, emotional and practical needs, by looking at areas including housing, finance, employment and loneliness.

Live Well & Age Well

  • 16 +
  • GP clinics – partnership with PCNs
  • Signposting to a wide range of local community groups, free support for social, emotional and practical needs.
  • BAME & NEET groups – targeted supported in partnership with CRF, skills to support accessing training and employments


Love doing the workout, making new friends, you’re having fun and working out without knowing it. Learning new skills.

Getting Active

Me and my girls have really enjoyed the class after school, it is fun for all the family to get involved in. We've learnt a lot about healthy eating and things we shouldn't be eating. It's fun and free! Really enjoyed it.

Healthy Eating