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Stop Smoking

Free advice and support to help you quit smoking in a way that suits you.

If you smoke tobacco and want help to quit smoking, we're here for you!

We will help you to change your smoking habits and will offer a variety of proven stop smoking therapies to help you to achieve your goal. We will arrange a full consultation to assess and agree an individual plan to support you to quit.

There's never been a better time to kickstart your health. Quit smoking today and you will see immediate health benefits. You will also be protecting those around you from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke including children and those who are vulnerable.

Using an E cig-Vape to Quit smoking?

Our Smokefree sessions are aimed at helping people to quit smoking tobacco, so you can still register with Smokefree St Helens if you are still smoking and using a vape/e-cig to help you to quit. We will help you to reduce nicotine strengths gradually, so that you are eventually completely nicotine free.

Visit NHS Better Health where you will find the facts on vaping, based on scientific evidence and research, plus advice on how to use vapes (sometimes called e-cigarettes) as a tool to quit smoking.

Help to quit Vaping

Congratulations if you are already a non-smoker you have made the biggest step already!

We recognise many ex-smokers may decide to stop using a vape/e-cig. The Better Health website has some helpful advice on how you can do this - click here


St Helens Wellbeing has a wide variety of free services to help you improve your health, so take a look at what’s on offer and if YOU want to achieve better health, contact us today or give us a call!



Choose a QUIT method to suit you...
Call One to one telephone support 01744 371 111
Text Text support - text QUIT to 61825
one to one Face-to-face
Hear about Karla's QUIT journey on the video below:

Smoking tobacco produces high levels of carbon monoxide which is inhaled directly into a smokers’ lungs and build up throughout the day. This increases the risks of developing smoking related illnesses. The good news is that quitting smoking stops this risk immediately and you will be free from CO within 24hrs after stopping. We can offer you a reading of your levels whilst smoking.  If you would like to know your level of carbon monoxide (CO) please let the staff know and we will arrange to meet you face to face.

Stop Smoking


I'm still not smoking after 6 months and I still use my Inhalator occasionally as it helps with missing any hand to mouth activity I 'me feeling well and I've been getting out and about with my family using my mobility bike I recently visited Chester Zoo and had a lovely day. I would recommend the Stop smoking service to friends and family because the regular calls from my advisor Christine and being able to easily access for whatever I needed helped so much to keep me smoke free.


I have not smoked now for 4 months, and I have never in my life lasted this long not smoking, this is due to the help I have with Sandra my advisor she has been such a star. Still taking one day at a time like Sandra said but I’m doing it. What a great service!!


Ste from Parr, 61yrs committed to quit to improve his health, struggling to catch his breath when walking short distances. stayed quit now for nearly 3 months. Feels so much better has noticed an improvement in his breathing, able to get about more and has saved money too, redecorated living room and new garden furniture for staycation.


I contacted the service after an appointment with my Midwife, my friends and relatives have been very supportive.  Danielle from Smokefree has been very helpful,with weekly calls and text messges. I have stopped smoking and my Inhalator has helped along with keeping busy.


I’m feeling great since quitting smoking my breathing has improved and I feel much better in general, and I've saved money from not buying cigarettes. Christine my advisor has been brilliant and I would definitely recommend the service to anyone wanting to stop.


I had weekly calls with Lisa and I never thought at first I'd ever be able to quit, with her support , advice and patience she helped me to gain confidence that I could. I used champix too and have not smoked for 6 months now. I'm so proud of myself and I couldn't have done it without Lisa's help.

Stop smoking

Paul is Celebrating his 1st year anniversary of being smokefree today 02/08/2021. He was a heavy chain smoker and since quitting he feels so much healthier and better. He said he couldn’t have done it without my support

Have spoken to Danielle twice, have been using the inhalator and gum to help me stop vaping. I've noticed a massive difference in just a few weeks, I have been breathing better with not using the vape, I've not needed to use my inhaler for my asthma. Me and my family also went to Alton Towers for 2 days and I did 18,000 steps and it was such an amazing feeling not being out of breath.

“I can’t believe I have stopped smoking, I have tried so many times to stop but the longest I quit for is a couple of days now I am approaching 4 weeks and I’d like to thank you personally as you have helped me take control of so many things in my life, and now because I have stopped smoking I feel I have the control in my life back. You gave me the confidence to tackle something that I have buried for years and now I have tackled it head on I feel amazing and like a huge weight has lifted from me.  I can’t thank you enough for this and helping me feel me again after all these years.

Stop smoking

I've been smoking for 50 odd years and never thought I'd be able to do it. Danielle has really been there for me and kept in contact each week. I feel so much better, I'm breathing better, I can taste my food more, and I can walk longer through town without having to stop. I'm so grateful for the service for making me feel better.

Stop smoking

Alison is very pleased she has achieved her quit and is feeling good, she’s saved money and doesn’t have the smell of smoke in her hair and cloths. She’s enjoying the feeling of freedom for the smoking habit and can relax and enjoy social occasions more.

Alison commented the SS service was fantastic and easy to access , and her husband has also quit and currently receiving support with the service in support of her

She would highly recommend to anyone thinking of quitting.


I have smoked since I was 9 and tried to quit about 5 times, I felt like a slave, I always had to have a fully charged vape next to me and would vape constantly, now after taking to Sandra my stop smoking advisers, I no longer feel enslaved by nicotine. Our weekly chats and Sandra’s encouragement helped me to stay on track during my quit journey. I was never judged and was always supported. Knowing Sandra is an ex-smoker herself makes it more powerful as it’s not just someone using the right words.


I have not had a cigarette for 6 months thanks to the support of NHS stop smoking with Sandra, a professional kind woman who has no doubt helped me quit after 40 years of smoking. I cannot praise enough the guidance and advice I have received from Sandra which has been a major factor in me quitting and I truly believe I will never smoke again. 

Stop Smoking service User 2024

 I feel I have more energy since I quit smoking and the calls from Christine had been a great in helping me to quit.




I feel brighter in myself, my mood and mental health have improved and I’m feeling more confident. I’m happier as I know I’m not smoking and I’m doing the best for my baby and saving money which I’m going to need. “

Emma, aged 32

“I have been supported the stop smoking since becoming pregnant I knew I needed to stop smoking and I was referred into the service by my midwife.  "I've always felt I could talk openly to my advisor. It’s been difficult for me to trust people, but she has helped me feel confident, I've been given extra support and now I'm smoke-free and have given birth to my baby girl as a smokefree mum.“

Lynsdey aged 20,

Today I received my last phone call, from Sandra, my stop smoking coach. I cannot praise Sandra enough with help and advice she has given me since I signed up to the stop smoking program. When I had blips earlier on, in my journey to quit smoking. Sandra always said don’t worry about it, when I felt guilty over it, Sandra always helped me to get over it. As the journey progressed it got easier and the encouragement from Sandra was amazing, to make carry on with the quit journey. Sandra is a very pleasant lady to talk with, make you feel as ease. I cannot praise the whole team enough; with the work you all do. Thank you to you all. Neil very grateful and happy

ex-smoker. I get a massive buzz by saying this. Thank you, Sandra and the St Helens, quit smoking team.

👍👍 a big two thumbs up. To all you smokers, who want to quit smoking, sign up every body’s journey is difficult, and different but the end results are I’m an ex-smoker, an amazing thing to say 286-days since I signed up.

Neil aged 58

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