Meet the Team
Healthy Neighbours Team
Nicola - Volunteer Coordinator for the healthy neighbour’s project.I have worked in the community for over 20 years working within early help, youth worker and family support. I am passionate about making a difference and encourageing people to believe in themselves. I love brining people together and encouraging them to make positive life choices. I believe every day is a school day because we can earn something new. I enjoy spending time with my family, walking, swimming and reading, that is of course when and if my dogs let me! Top Tip - You can't pour from an empty cup. |
Denise - Wellbeing worker for the healthy Neighbours projectThe thing I like most about my role is knowing that I can help make a difference in the community and working with our Healthy neighbours’ volunteers. the volunteers who support our project inspire me with their dedication to their community and support they give one another and participants. A little something about me – my family are everything to me I love yoga and have just qualifies as a yoga instructor. Top Tip - Be kind be positive and be yourself. |
Roy Evans - Wellbeing worker for the healthy neighbourhoods projectMy passion has always been around the health industry and I have managed to get qualifications in nutrition, exercise referral, obesity and diabetes. My role as a wellbeing worker allows me to take this passion to your community and really make a difference to people's confidence, mental well-being, physical appearance as well as allowing people to be empowered about the choices they made moving forward with their lives Top Tip - Always look on the bright side of life |