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Young People

The good news is there are fewer young people than ever who are smoking cigarettes.

If you are still smoking and would like help to stop please click on the contact form and we will contact you by telephone.

Benefits of quitting:

  • Just 20 minutes after your last cigarette your body will start getting healthier. You can perform better at sports and physical activity.
  • You will have more money to spend on the things that you enjoy. Use our smoking calculator to see what you can save (is there a link to it?)

There are lots of ways to quit.

Nicotine replacement patches/chewing gum etc. can be used by young people 12 years and over. You can speak to a Smokefree advisor about the best treatment for you. Nicotine Replacement is free to anyone who doesn’t pay for prescriptions, that includes anyone under 16.

Most smokers quit several times before they give up for good.

Speak to us; we can help you to become a successful quitter.

Are you using a Vape?  

dis vapes

Did you know ?

  • In the UK it is illegal to sell nicotine vaping products to someone under the age of 18, or for adults to buy these products for them.
  • Many disposable vapes are cheap products which contain high levels of harmful substances.
  • Nicotine is very addictive and can be hard to stop using once you’ve started.
  • Vaping is a lot less harmful than smoking, but it doesn’t mean it’s harmless
  • Evidence shows too many young people are now using vapes as a normal thing to do -even if they have never smoked.

If you are worried about how much you are vaping, you can find more information and support in the links below:



For more information on local services for young people visit YAZ